Create your own undergraduate program of study with Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST) by incorporating what the university can offer you and what you, with your current intellectual strengths and skills, can offer in return.

It’s not all that different a process from what you will probably have to do ten, twenty or more years from now when you have to blend the knowledge and skills that you will have by then with what the new world of that new age will be offering and will be demanding.

When interacting with prospective employers in the future, consider the skills you gain from an Arts degree on a deeper level: most employers will give employees on-the-job training to help them acclimate to a new workplace and its unique procedures; what you’re offering them is not this knowledge, but the ability to acquire and apply it to their benefit.

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Choosing to apply for the IDST program because of the flexibility it offers is excellent if I would like to have a coherent vision for my further study at the time of declaring the program in my third-year study. Specifically, it provides me with an extraordinary cross-disciplinary design by myself to select Economics as my primary focus; Politics and Mandarin as my secondary ones.

Ziru Zhou
BA, Interdisciplinary Studies '21